Being in utter disagreement with him, i decided to debate the issue with the man.
"You can't have a conversation with me," he said.
"why not?"
"because, we've never met, and this isn't a conversation, this is you playing mind and word games with yourself to prove a point"
"Okay then, my generation has its own cheerful insanity to offer the world."
"That's original - not"
"You can't use our generation's cliches if you believe our generation has nothng to offer."
"The point is that everything has been said, there is nothing new under the sun, just re-hashing of old ideas."
"If everything has been thought, imagined, all of philosophy is apointless recap of old ideas."
"Word games my son."
"Don't patronize me, cynic. Every generation has a contribution to make. It could be argued that this period of time is the most transforming, most radical, and that the old cynics have lost site of hope with their habit of disbelieving."
"And I hereby disbeleive in you, away figment."
The conversation ended there.