One of the problems that faces the artist who wishes to be more widely accessable is that he doesn't necessarily own the rights to his materials. Or that there is red tape, a lack of technical expertise, or ignorance of the net. It is the intention of ISNEM to address these problems.
By distributing all media, and attatching an ISNEM license to the medium, we create an illicit press that gets materials out into the world. The license is fairly simple. If they like the media, they simply send cash, money order, or a check to the artist for the amount suggested on the release. The way we are coming up with our rates is fairly simple. We try to figure how much profit the author would make from the sale of each copy in a legitimate market. For instance, if a musical artist makes a 10 song album, and makes 2 dollars per sale, each song would cost about 20 cents.
We *urge* people who participate in enjoying the media to pay their shareware fee. The artist benefits, the middle-man of the publisher is eliminated, and the netizens have access to a wide variety of materials.
We have made a list of possible places people could participate:
There are also possible ways to contribute to ISNEM, feel free to add any creative ideas. We'll have updated .NFO's on our distribution sites. We will also have a suggestion upload directory, as well as a material upload directories, so anyone can upload anything.
Concerning artwork: We frown upon pornography for a couple of reasons.
If you wish to either contribute to the project, or use the fruits of the project, we'd like to welcome you aboard.