What is Underground Propaganda

Computer Underground

poetry and fiction

Power Structures - Beurocracies

I'll use these terms interchangably throughout the speech, and my other writings. What do I mean by this? Why pick on beurocracies?

Well, all threats to our rights (except physical) can be attributed to beurocracies or "power structures".

In a beurocracy there are layers of power. Communication is limited, and miscommunication is garanteed.

When relating the status of a project to a superior it is in ones best SELF INTEREST to portray things in the most postive affairs. This is editing the facts to best fit ones own position. Then, the superior does the same thing, constant evaluation and editing of information. The end report to the president (or Pope or CEO or whatever) will not portray reality very accurately.

Also, beuracries are corrupt! Corruption is stealing office supplies. Corruption is copying a peice of software. Corruption is stealing from the company. Corruption is insider trading. Corruption is taking bribes. Corruption is...

What is corruption? Corruption is the act of placing loyalty first to the individual, then to the beurocracy.

These power structures relate with other power structures. This is the "web of beurocracies" as I like to think of it. The government relates to other governments, companies have strategic alliences, competition, wars.

A hacker manipulates beurocracies. This is the act of Social Engineering. A hacker relizes who has what information. Then he figures out under what circomstances a person would part with their information. He then makes a phone call.

Power structures result in people doing bad things to you and then explaining that its not personal, just 'policy' or 'law'.

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