What is Underground Propaganda

Computer Underground

poetry and fiction

nonviolent disobedience - they can't jail us all
online consumer activism
the power of the motivated hacker
the threat of the martyr
our own responsibility for our freedoms

To become free it may be necessary to break free from medieval morality, break unjust laws, and be a disloyal employee. Some may call you an disloyal sinful criminal. To be free in a room of slaves is demoralizing. Free your fellow man, give him the tools, the knowledge to fight oppression. Do not infringe on others' rights.


The most dangerous type of censorship is self-censorship. This is employed by the corporate media, and politicians, and the average citizen. For example, the Clinton campaign didn’t mention bush’s iran-contra fiasco, yet they hoped someone else would. Many people don’t voice their politically dangerous opinion that drugs should be legalized.

Don’t censor yourself. Don’t fear that what you have to say would be too controversial. Once you do this, they’ve already won. Speaking out loudly, shining a spotlight on threats to freedom works. A spotlight always makes the cockroaches scatter.

The Christian Coalition a political church is attempting to censor. They pressure television stations, legislation’s - national and state, and local communities to disallow any materials dealing with sexuality. They are organized, they have a purpose, and they are using the political system to effect change. To be ashamed of your sexuality, to denounce what turns you on, to stay silent on the issue allows their voice to be the only one.

There is much knowledge that is disallowed, hidden. Government activities, corporate crime, and "illegitimate" information needs to be disseminated. People without access to technology need it - they can contribute to the world. Distributing this information is illegal, potentially dangerous. This, in my humble opinion, is the best use of hacked accounts. Obtaining information, disseminating information needs anonymity. This protects your hide. This is important. Whistle blowers are only silenced when their identity is known.

Don’t post information anonymously criticizing media lies, governmental disinformation, or publicly available information about corporate corruption. Post this publicly, with pride. Be able to back up your claims. To hide behind anonymity when distributing ‘legitimate’ information is giving up your first amendment rights. The first amendment needs to be exercised, or else it is lost. If you are criticized, respond intelligently. If you are harassed, don’t respond to them - merely publicize and document their harassment.


PGP is a threat to power. In the USA, in China, in countries where the freedom of speech is infringed, PGP allows secure communications. We all know how important PGP is, I believe, but using it is essential. Using it religiously, and spreading the word, causing other, non-technical people to protect their private communications is the only way privacy will exist.

Privacy is not protected under our government, yet others view it as important. I view it as important. Protect yourself. Your privacy won’t be handed to you, you must diligently enforce it. Be aware of every piece of information you hand out. Fill corporate databases with misinformation. I type my name differently when filling out forms that I know will end up on mailing lists. You’ll identify how your personal data travels.

Economic Freedom

You are independent. Don’t depend on your employer for security. Consider yourself a consultant or independent contractor. Make your hobby your job. Most people spend most of their waking time working. It’s idiotic to do something that you don’t enjoy. Keep your resume updated at all times.

If you can, avoid the monetary system. Avoid dealing with cash, instead barter. An ideal barter will let you get rid of something you don’t value very much in return for something you value dearly. An ideal barter will leave both sides with the impression that they’re taking advantage of the other person.

Bartering also bypasses the IRS, which takes a sizable portion of your income - as you well know. I consider this theft.

Access to information

Yes, access is a right you have. You need to know when the government is killing people, radiating them, listening to them, lying to them, lying to you. You have a right to gain access to information about OUR government. This government is supposedly of the people, by the people, power granted by a social contract.

Corporate secrets are also your right to possess. This perhaps sounds shocking, yet you need to know when your environment is being poisoned, when you're being manipulated by PR machines, when they're ‘downsizing’ is a doublespeak for transporting jobs to third world countries.

It is your right to access immoral information. It is your right to disseminate immoral information. Fuck shit, cunt, lick. Others may find it distasteful, but they have the right to filter their information. To offend for the sake of offending however will cause you to be ostracized by all. Even fellow ‘shockers’ will not appreciate you - they too are looking for attention.

On the internet you can’t trust anything you see in a post. Claims without sources to back them up are generally discarded. You learn to be suspicious. This is good, this is healthy. Disinformation is good, and will be exposed. Read the arguments on alt.revisionism to prove this. By initially distrusting information that crosses your path, you will learn to distrust already accepted media. An editor was quoted in the New York Times - she was displeased that they misquoted her, but happily amused that she was promoted from associate editor to senior editor by the Times.

Health freedoms

You have the right to put whatever you deem appropriate into your body. If you poison yourself you will suffer. Your own bad judgment is its own punishment. Don’t trust propaganda concerning what is healthy and unhealthy. This is civil disobedience. These are your rights. If you don’t use them, they will be lost.

the non-threat of piracy the responsibility of software companies, and of users.

Freedom from the military industrial complex.

Hacking this is dangerous. The buzzword of ‘national security’ is used to prevent you from knowing about the abuses of our government. It’s in the best interest of the military and the supporting multinational military corporations to be in a state of war. Realize this! We are the largest arms dealer in the world. Think about that. Don’t die for your country for oil. Avoid the draft if the war is immoral. To subject yourself to military rule is to trust the government’s judgment as to whom to murder. It has been fifty years since we’ve had a threat to our country, but only a few years since we’ve been to war. Been to war for our oil companies. You lose all your rights when you enter the military system.

The NRA is the PR arm of the gun manufacturers.

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