What is Underground Propaganda

Computer Underground

poetry and fiction

Traditionally When people talk of revolting, they most often refer to the state, or government. When church was the principal power, the dissidents talked about breaking off from the church - a sign of revolt. The government, arguably, is our current largest and most powerful bureaucracies. A more recent invention, but still long established as a repressive force. The state plays many important positive roles - maintenance and creation of infrastructure, defense, and public safety. I'm going to use our country as an example, but remember that other countries have the similar institutional sub-bureaucracies. I’m going to point out how each bureaucracy infringes on various rights, and is corrupt in various fashions. I’ll talk more about my theories of why corruption is inevitable if someone asks me about it. The congress. The phrase 'campaign finance reform' is double-talk for dealing with our rampant corruption. Given the millions of dollars it takes to become a senator, and the money one must raise to run for office two things are clear: 1:) the "average man" doesn't stand a chance of making it. 2:) The constituency of the elected politician is not the voter, but the contributor. The Arizona state legislature was stung in an operation to buy votes. Most of the senate was bought off for a pitiful amount, all under ten thousand dollars. Similar corruption has been exposed when sting operations have been attempted in other states. These are very politically dangerous and controversial, however. It doesn’t look good to show how easy it is to buy a vote. The Secret Service, which was once an organization to prevent counterfeiting and protect our president is has dubiously taken on the task of persecuting hackers. By a creative work of legal manipulation they now consider computer time theft as counterfeiting "fraud".. Their original purpose was important, if counterfeiting is rampant, faith is lost in our currency. Their current role is expanding, ill-defined, and overlapping with other law enforcement agencies. The BATF is another law enforcement child of the Treasury Department. I don't think much needs to be said about their possible abuses, this is becoming a press child currently. Note however that the debate is a partisan one, and focusing less and less on the events, and more on political posturing.. Their witnesses are disagreeing, and the investigation is turning into a political fiasco. While Americans may be contemplating this seriously, politicians are doing their jobs - politics. The IRS. To collect taxes was their purpose. This occupation has been notoriously brutal in past governments and is so today. The only debters prison that exist in the US today is for tax 'offenders'. The tax protesters I've met were very strongly involved in their community, and are not paying taxes because of the uses of the tax money. An IRS audit is one of the most feared legal actions that can be taken. However, when the IRS was recently audited, and failed miserably, their excuse was ‘we were never prepared to be audited’. To know the FBI, one must know its past. For any who don't know about J Edgar Hoover's many treasons, blackmails, fetishes, and exploitation, read I suggest you do a little research. The DEA is the arm of the government which persecutes individuals who attempt to use free-market exchange to sell drugs the government does not approve. It is also a vehicle to control what you and I put in our bodies - the ultimate invasion of privacy. The drug policies in this country have created a violent black-market criminal syndicate. With the criminlization of certain drugs, users are risking their lives whenever they put a synthetic drugs with possible dangerous impurities into their bodies. I believe our drug laws constitute the most sweeping violations of our constitution. To name a few: freedom of religion, historically many religions use sacred herbs to distort the senses. Cruel and Unusual punishment: the mandatory sentencing laws are clogging our prisons with victimless crimes, for long periods of time - those violent offenders that did not have mandatory sentences are being released early to make room for those prisoners. We have the highest incarceration rate of any first world country. Unlawful search and Seizure: people can have their houses, boats, cars, and money confiscated without first being convicted of a crime. The FDA is funded largely by pharmaceuticals who pay to have drugs brought through their lengthy drug testing program. The pharmaceutical industry makes money from 20 year monopolies called patents. Natural remedies, prevention based therapies, and holistic medicine all pose a threat to the current chemical pharmaceutical industry that's intertwined with establishment medicine.

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