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Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2023 - User Agent
Generated 01-Jul-2023 00:17 CDT

         Hits      User Agent
----------------  ----------------------

149069    99.07%  Netscape/Mozilla
782        0.52%  Micro$oft Internet Exploder

395        0.26%  Sogou web spider/4.0(+
47         0.03%  facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
19         0.01%  ALittle Client
19         0.01%  CCBot/2.0 (
18         0.01%  Googlebot-Image/1.0
13         0.01%  Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/7.5.32908/191.307; U; en) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16
10         0.01%  GoogleOther
8          0.01%  cpp-httplib/0.10.9
7          0.00%  python-urllib3/1.26.9
6          0.00%  python-requests/2.28.2
5          0.00%  Python-urllib/3.7
4          0.00%  Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers'
4          0.00%  Go-http-client/1.1
4          0.00%  Python/3.7 aiohttp/3.8.4
3          0.00%  2ip bot/1.1 (+
3          0.00%  python-requests/2.25.1
3          0.00%  python-requests/2.28.1
2          0.00%  DnBCrawler-Analytics
2          0.00%  Pandalytics/1.0 (
2          0.00%  Scrapy/2.6.3 (+
2          0.00%  curl/7.68.0
2          0.00%  python-requests/2.18.4
2          0.00%  python-requests/2.31.0
1          0.00%  Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_161)
1          0.00%  Dorado WAP-Browser/1.0.0
1          0.00%  Opera/8.01 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/1.0.1479/HiFi; SonyEricsson P900; no; U; ssr)
1          0.00%  Python/3.9 aiohttp/3.8.4
1          0.00%  W3C_Validator/1.654
1          0.00%  curl/7.54.0
1          0.00%  hGo-http-client/6.6.6 (+
1          0.00%  python-requests/2.27.1

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21