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Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2005
Generated 01-Feb-2005 00:05 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2005
Total Hits 74331
Total Files 69035
Total Pages 57199
Total Visits 17925
Total KBytes 1096050
Total Unique Sites 4385
Total Unique URLs 3928
Total Unique Referrers 1518
Total Unique User Agents 592
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 99 660
Hits per Day 2397 4453
Files per Day 2226 4361
Pages per Day 1845 4127
Visits per Day 578 1656
KBytes per Day 35356 134322
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 69035
Code 206 - Partial Content 63
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 31
Code 302 - Found 95
Code 304 - Not Modified 1958
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 401 - Unauthorized 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 34
Code 404 - Not Found 2833
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 2
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 268
Code 501 - Not Implemented 6

Daily usage for January 2005

Daily Statistics for January 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 662 0.89% 609 0.88% 530 0.93% 234 1.31% 186 4.24% 7255 0.66%
2 2469 3.32% 2337 3.39% 2112 3.69% 327 1.82% 247 5.63% 56931 5.19%
3 3075 4.14% 2267 3.28% 1910 3.34% 246 1.37% 228 5.20% 29032 2.65%
4 2079 2.80% 1976 2.86% 1726 3.02% 177 0.99% 171 3.90% 18098 1.65%
5 4034 5.43% 3949 5.72% 3717 6.50% 480 2.68% 396 9.03% 32419 2.96%
6 1442 1.94% 1235 1.79% 948 1.66% 537 3.00% 404 9.21% 19294 1.76%
7 2050 2.76% 1943 2.81% 1769 3.09% 507 2.83% 339 7.73% 21319 1.95%
8 1949 2.62% 1840 2.67% 1633 2.85% 243 1.36% 183 4.17% 23110 2.11%
9 2085 2.81% 1880 2.72% 1551 2.71% 194 1.08% 154 3.51% 22821 2.08%
10 4453 5.99% 4361 6.32% 4127 7.22% 622 3.47% 336 7.66% 40211 3.67%
11 2081 2.80% 1991 2.88% 1754 3.07% 543 3.03% 377 8.60% 21570 1.97%
12 1409 1.90% 1330 1.93% 1119 1.96% 750 4.18% 497 11.33% 41669 3.80%
13 2396 3.22% 2313 3.35% 1866 3.26% 1519 8.47% 964 21.98% 26499 2.42%
14 2912 3.92% 2573 3.73% 2432 4.25% 1434 8.00% 913 20.82% 43327 3.95%
15 2014 2.71% 1896 2.75% 1595 2.79% 781 4.36% 441 10.06% 36333 3.31%
16 2530 3.40% 2453 3.55% 2222 3.88% 1085 6.05% 596 13.59% 21588 1.97%
17 2274 3.06% 2182 3.16% 1794 3.14% 853 4.76% 644 14.69% 40067 3.66%
18 1809 2.43% 1580 2.29% 1160 2.03% 457 2.55% 417 9.51% 134322 12.26%
19 2260 3.04% 1780 2.58% 1186 2.07% 172 0.96% 201 4.58% 21932 2.00%
20 1146 1.54% 1059 1.53% 594 1.04% 120 0.67% 169 3.85% 80295 7.33%
21 758 1.02% 692 1.00% 274 0.48% 145 0.81% 153 3.49% 11754 1.07%
22 3503 4.71% 3365 4.87% 2991 5.23% 1218 6.79% 594 13.55% 38831 3.54%
23 2102 2.83% 1944 2.82% 1584 2.77% 316 1.76% 252 5.75% 25973 2.37%
24 2196 2.95% 1826 2.65% 1010 1.77% 207 1.15% 194 4.42% 16906 1.54%
25 2740 3.69% 2642 3.83% 1644 2.87% 165 0.92% 152 3.47% 96364 8.79%
26 2940 3.96% 2709 3.92% 1677 2.93% 533 2.97% 482 10.99% 28511 2.60%
27 2138 2.88% 2031 2.94% 1637 2.86% 380 2.12% 342 7.80% 25762 2.35%
28 3423 4.61% 3366 4.88% 3003 5.25% 359 2.00% 306 6.98% 18896 1.72%
29 2115 2.85% 2062 2.99% 1271 2.22% 587 3.27% 400 9.12% 18348 1.67%
30 3071 4.13% 3020 4.37% 2773 4.85% 1136 6.34% 584 13.32% 48852 4.46%
31 4216 5.67% 3824 5.54% 3590 6.28% 1656 9.24% 822 18.75% 27759 2.53%

Hourly usage for January 2005

Hourly Statistics for January 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 118 3661 4.93% 113 3504 5.08% 102 3185 5.57% 1055 32690 2.98%
1 95 2961 3.98% 92 2877 4.17% 81 2539 4.44% 902 27970 2.55%
2 72 2241 3.01% 67 2084 3.02% 55 1725 3.02% 1273 39463 3.60%
3 71 2202 2.96% 62 1947 2.82% 56 1761 3.08% 645 19990 1.82%
4 79 2476 3.33% 71 2205 3.19% 62 1924 3.36% 1572 48734 4.45%
5 104 3247 4.37% 100 3116 4.51% 91 2836 4.96% 817 25333 2.31%
6 114 3555 4.78% 102 3166 4.59% 88 2736 4.78% 1334 41347 3.77%
7 107 3340 4.49% 99 3093 4.48% 85 2646 4.63% 1142 35405 3.23%
8 126 3933 5.29% 117 3634 5.26% 101 3142 5.49% 1904 59018 5.38%
9 123 3833 5.16% 118 3673 5.32% 82 2551 4.46% 4702 145764 13.30%
10 95 2973 4.00% 91 2844 4.12% 76 2375 4.15% 1087 33712 3.08%
11 113 3522 4.74% 108 3369 4.88% 65 2031 3.55% 1514 46926 4.28%
12 87 2711 3.65% 81 2519 3.65% 63 1971 3.45% 1373 42575 3.88%
13 106 3294 4.43% 101 3160 4.58% 70 2197 3.84% 885 27423 2.50%
14 98 3051 4.10% 86 2679 3.88% 74 2295 4.01% 1057 32755 2.99%
15 99 3080 4.14% 89 2768 4.01% 74 2322 4.06% 3152 97716 8.92%
16 124 3848 5.18% 117 3653 5.29% 91 2822 4.93% 3808 118058 10.77%
17 96 2999 4.03% 91 2834 4.11% 77 2393 4.18% 987 30583 2.79%
18 84 2631 3.54% 78 2446 3.54% 68 2138 3.74% 785 24343 2.22%
19 92 2881 3.88% 82 2548 3.69% 70 2185 3.82% 1088 33724 3.08%
20 91 2850 3.83% 81 2528 3.66% 71 2212 3.87% 1047 32467 2.96%
21 88 2746 3.69% 82 2572 3.73% 66 2074 3.63% 1328 41171 3.76%
22 92 2854 3.84% 82 2558 3.71% 76 2368 4.14% 825 25570 2.33%
23 111 3442 4.63% 105 3258 4.72% 89 2771 4.84% 1075 33314 3.04%

Top 30 of 3928 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 28028 37.71% 87190 7.95% /
2 26462 35.60% 278892 25.45% Photo Gallery
3 5123 6.89% 193049 17.61% WebStats
4 4971 6.69% 9656 0.88% Images
5 4183 5.63% 8494 0.77% /gallery/view_photo_properties.php
6 3120 4.20% 5561 0.51% /gallery/add_comment.php
7 2263 3.04% 27851 2.54% /stats/usage_200412.shtml
8 1017 1.37% 27523 2.51% /media/
9 930 1.25% 1984 0.18% WebLog
10 560 0.75% 9696 0.88% /gallery/slideshow.php
11 295 0.40% 7360 0.67% /gallery/wedding-pro
12 207 0.28% 6941 0.63% /gallery/
13 175 0.24% 7717 0.70% /stats/url_200209.shtml
14 166 0.22% 639 0.06% /gallery/css/embedded_style.css.default
15 158 0.21% 1942 0.18% /stats/
16 157 0.21% 136 0.01% /gallery/css/standalone_style.css
17 152 0.20% 3637 0.33% /gallery/japanesegardens2003
18 151 0.20% 3629 0.33% /gallery/france2004
19 149 0.20% 3383 0.31% /gallery/rodents
20 133 0.18% 2922 0.27% /gallery/vegas-day2
21 132 0.18% 15417 1.41% /stats/usage_200501.shtml
22 121 0.16% 490 0.04% /comics/
23 121 0.16% 2573 0.23% /gallery/wedding2003
24 119 0.16% 2725 0.25% /gallery/inside
25 112 0.15% 3756 0.34% /gallery/albums.php
26 98 0.13% 729 0.07% /about.shtml
27 97 0.13% 2138 0.20% /gallery/tc2001
28 96 0.13% 2118 0.19% /gallery/monterey2003
29 94 0.13% 897 0.08% /blog/
30 93 0.13% 812 0.07% /links.shtml
View All URLs

Top 10 of 3928 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 26462 35.60% 278892 25.45% Photo Gallery
2 13 0.02% 265401 24.21% /albums/vegas2002/aaa.mpg
3 5123 6.89% 193049 17.61% WebStats
4 10 0.01% 112082 10.23% /albums/FlowerMound/aae.mp4
5 28028 37.71% 87190 7.95% /
6 2263 3.04% 27851 2.54% /stats/usage_200412.shtml
7 1017 1.37% 27523 2.51% /media/
8 132 0.18% 15417 1.41% /stats/usage_200501.shtml
9 560 0.75% 9696 0.88% /gallery/slideshow.php
10 4971 6.69% 9656 0.88% Images

Top 10 of 990 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 28028 37.71% 12853 72.01% /
2 1017 1.37% 185 1.04% /media/
3 207 0.28% 96 0.54% /gallery/
4 560 0.75% 83 0.47% /gallery/slideshow.php
5 121 0.16% 76 0.43% /comics/
6 158 0.21% 59 0.33% /stats/
7 149 0.20% 41 0.23% /gallery/rodents
8 69 0.09% 40 0.22% /comics/dailystrips-2004.02.02.html
9 94 0.13% 38 0.21% /blog/
10 3120 4.20% 38 0.21% /gallery/add_comment.php

Top 10 of 1012 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 28028 37.71% 12806 71.76% /
2 1017 1.37% 206 1.15% /media/
3 207 0.28% 101 0.57% /gallery/
4 560 0.75% 75 0.42% /gallery/slideshow.php
5 158 0.21% 56 0.31% /stats/
6 4183 5.63% 50 0.28% /gallery/view_photo_properties.php
7 94 0.13% 46 0.26% /blog/
8 149 0.20% 40 0.22% /gallery/rodents
9 3120 4.20% 37 0.21% /gallery/add_comment.php
10 112 0.15% 37 0.21% /gallery/albums.php

Top 30 of 4385 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 18263 24.57% 17344 25.12% 187276 17.09% 215 1.20%
2 3217 4.33% 3217 4.66% 10022 0.91% 21 0.12%
3 2964 3.99% 2964 4.29% 9234 0.84% 14 0.08%
4 2048 2.76% 2048 2.97% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
5 1506 2.03% 1503 2.18% 8317 0.76% 8 0.04%
6 1456 1.96% 3 0.00% 12 0.00% 0 0.00%
7 1138 1.53% 1138 1.65% 3545 0.32% 29 0.16%
8 1138 1.53% 1116 1.62% 19549 1.78% 4 0.02%
9 1045 1.41% 1045 1.51% 3255 0.30% 14 0.08%
10 918 1.24% 918 1.33% 2860 0.26% 156 0.87%
11 875 1.18% 875 1.27% 2726 0.25% 14 0.08%
12 776 1.04% 776 1.12% 2417 0.22% 151 0.84%
13 583 0.78% 573 0.83% 35741 3.26% 19 0.11%
14 442 0.59% 433 0.63% 5380 0.49% 6 0.03%
15 435 0.59% 435 0.63% 2419 0.22% 129 0.72%
16 406 0.55% 406 0.59% 1265 0.12% 14 0.08%
17 363 0.49% 362 0.52% 4567 0.42% 2 0.01%
18 347 0.47% 347 0.50% 1081 0.10% 5 0.03%
19 321 0.43% 1 0.00% 341 0.03% 1 0.01%
20 306 0.41% 253 0.37% 3287 0.30% 2 0.01%
21 289 0.39% 289 0.42% 900 0.08% 74 0.41%
22 288 0.39% 288 0.42% 897 0.08% 70 0.39%
23 273 0.37% 212 0.31% 2588 0.24% 1 0.01%
24 269 0.36% 269 0.39% 838 0.08% 45 0.25%
25 266 0.36% 255 0.37% 24780 2.26% 97 0.54%
26 258 0.35% 246 0.36% 6404 0.58% 12 0.07%
27 257 0.35% 245 0.35% 19442 1.77% 24 0.13%
28 256 0.34% 255 0.37% 3316 0.30% 46 0.26% *
29 256 0.34% 185 0.27% 4214 0.38% 3 0.02%
30 222 0.30% 104 0.15% 15306 1.40% 78 0.44%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 4385 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 18263 24.57% 17344 25.12% 187276 17.09% 215 1.20%
2 5 0.01% 5 0.01% 109751 10.01% 0 0.00%
3 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 66741 6.09% 1 0.01%
4 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 44473 4.06% 0 0.00%
5 583 0.78% 573 0.83% 35741 3.26% 19 0.11%
6 17 0.02% 16 0.02% 28861 2.63% 7 0.04%
7 266 0.36% 255 0.37% 24780 2.26% 97 0.54%
8 8 0.01% 8 0.01% 22292 2.03% 1 0.01%
9 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 22236 2.03% 0 0.00%
10 1138 1.53% 1116 1.62% 19549 1.78% 4 0.02%

Top 30 of 1518 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 36382 48.95% - (Direct Request)
2 3572 4.81%
3 3154 4.24%
4 2898 3.90%
5 845 1.14%
6 622 0.84%
7 512 0.69%
8 512 0.69%
9 512 0.69%
10 512 0.69%
11 509 0.68%
12 456 0.61%
13 455 0.61%
14 435 0.59%
15 364 0.49%
16 334 0.45%
17 324 0.44%
18 319 0.43%
19 307 0.41%
20 296 0.40%
21 285 0.38%
22 276 0.37%
23 266 0.36%
24 265 0.36%
25 262 0.35%
26 260 0.35%
27 249 0.33%
28 248 0.33%
29 246 0.33%
30 245 0.33%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 47 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 40 30.53% comics sex
2 18 13.74% sex comics
3 6 4.58% sex 23
4 4 3.05% sex 29
5 4 3.05% sluggy
6 3 2.29% 29_sex
7 3 2.29% penny arcade
8 3 2.29% rodents
9 3 2.29% twisted metal black adam segen
10 2 1.53% %22dvd legend of zelda %22
11 2 1.53% 01-sex
12 2 1.53% bart shattuck
13 2 1.53% freelance
14 2 1.53% image cute tigers
15 2 1.53% jolly rogers flag
16 2 1.53% june sex
17 2 1.53% las vegas
18 2 1.53% rackmount cabinet gallery
19 1 0.76% %2223 sex%22
20 1 0.76% %22katsuya eguchi%22
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 592 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 33107 44.54% Micro$oft Internet Exploder
2 19387 26.08% Netscape
3 16054 21.60% msnbot/0.3 (+
4 2209 2.97% msnbot/1.0 (+
5 1458 1.96% Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo
6 411 0.55% TurnitinBot/2.0
7 384 0.52% Googlebot/2.1 (+
8 222 0.30% NPBot (
9 162 0.22% Gigabot/2.0
10 87 0.12% Opera/5.12 (Windows NT 4.0; U) [fr]
11 78 0.10% psbot/0.1 (+
12 72 0.10% Opera/5.12 (Windows 2000; U) [en]
13 68 0.09% Opera/5.0 (Linux 2.4.4-4GB i686; U)
14 61 0.08% ia_archiver
15 34 0.05% Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for January 2005

Top 30 of 83 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 38638 51.98% 34506 49.98% 537053 49.00% US Commercial
2 19060 25.64% 18703 27.09% 230975 21.07% Unresolved/Unknown
3 10812 14.55% 10438 15.12% 180090 16.43% Network
4 676 0.91% 656 0.95% 3167 0.29% Mexico
5 379 0.51% 106 0.15% 1948 0.18% Germany
6 373 0.50% 373 0.54% 1801 0.16% Non-Profit Organization
7 338 0.45% 337 0.49% 1289 0.12% Japan
8 319 0.43% 316 0.46% 1315 0.12% Brazil
9 291 0.39% 289 0.42% 2909 0.27% United States
10 275 0.37% 274 0.40% 1498 0.14% Canada
11 275 0.37% 275 0.40% 15437 1.41% Poland
12 225 0.30% 225 0.33% 701 0.06% Thailand
13 225 0.30% 223 0.32% 4377 0.40% Taiwan
14 162 0.22% 159 0.23% 688 0.06% Italy
15 142 0.19% 140 0.20% 3612 0.33% Saudi Arabia
16 135 0.18% 134 0.19% 24351 2.22% United Kingdom
17 130 0.17% 130 0.19% 1173 0.11% Australia
18 130 0.17% 114 0.17% 804 0.07% Netherlands
19 123 0.17% 123 0.18% 746 0.07% Switzerland
20 107 0.14% 107 0.15% 1234 0.11% US Educational
21 103 0.14% 100 0.14% 1035 0.09% Belgium
22 80 0.11% 72 0.10% 503 0.05% France
23 78 0.10% 77 0.11% 67414 6.15% US Military
24 64 0.09% 64 0.09% 1345 0.12% Russian Federation
25 62 0.08% 61 0.09% 387 0.04% Hungary
26 61 0.08% 60 0.09% 192 0.02% Argentina
27 58 0.08% 58 0.08% 663 0.06% Slovak Republic
28 55 0.07% 55 0.08% 1278 0.12% Austria
29 52 0.07% 52 0.08% 391 0.04% Romania
30 50 0.07% 50 0.07% 156 0.01% Guatemala

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01