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Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2023
Generated 01-Jul-2023 00:17 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2023
Total Hits 150475
Total Files 13052
Total Pages 148100
Total Visits 5482
Total KBytes 645586
Total Unique Sites 1714
Total Unique URLs 822
Total Unique Referrers 611
Total Unique User Agents 345
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 208 1319
Hits per Day 5015 7046
Files per Day 435 958
Pages per Day 4936 6972
Sites per Day 57 188
Visits per Day 182 638
KBytes per Day 21520 42038
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 8.67% 13052
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 1
Code 302 - Found 0.05% 81
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 13
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 3
Code 404 - Not Found 91.26% 137325

Daily usage for June 2023

Daily Statistics for June 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 6084 4.04% 334 2.56% 5969 4.03% 138 2.52% 103 6.01% 26427 4.09%
2 5031 3.34% 335 2.57% 4960 3.35% 134 2.44% 128 7.47% 28666 4.44%
3 5055 3.36% 359 2.75% 4981 3.36% 119 2.17% 89 5.19% 22070 3.42%
4 6529 4.34% 439 3.36% 6492 4.38% 121 2.21% 97 5.66% 21533 3.34%
5 3951 2.63% 220 1.69% 3924 2.65% 638 11.64% 63 3.68% 11755 1.82%
6 4831 3.21% 289 2.21% 4702 3.17% 114 2.08% 100 5.83% 12161 1.88%
7 7046 4.68% 958 7.34% 6972 4.71% 104 1.90% 80 4.67% 39169 6.07%
8 4880 3.24% 383 2.93% 4820 3.25% 132 2.41% 93 5.43% 18430 2.85%
9 6206 4.12% 559 4.28% 6155 4.16% 113 2.06% 85 4.96% 19223 2.98%
10 5498 3.65% 675 5.17% 5405 3.65% 195 3.56% 103 6.01% 31353 4.86%
11 5010 3.33% 429 3.29% 4972 3.36% 166 3.03% 80 4.67% 15956 2.47%
12 5839 3.88% 364 2.79% 5763 3.89% 141 2.57% 106 6.18% 17929 2.78%
13 4294 2.85% 481 3.69% 4218 2.85% 133 2.43% 84 4.90% 19805 3.07%
14 5144 3.42% 335 2.57% 5106 3.45% 87 1.59% 70 4.08% 17460 2.70%
15 5651 3.76% 464 3.56% 5545 3.74% 77 1.40% 61 3.56% 20676 3.20%
16 4140 2.75% 456 3.49% 4045 2.73% 122 2.23% 87 5.08% 28744 4.45%
17 5362 3.56% 495 3.79% 5303 3.58% 107 1.95% 79 4.61% 21340 3.31%
18 4988 3.31% 469 3.59% 4839 3.27% 114 2.08% 81 4.73% 19832 3.07%
19 4779 3.18% 587 4.50% 4724 3.19% 115 2.10% 80 4.67% 29203 4.52%
20 5132 3.41% 291 2.23% 5080 3.43% 129 2.35% 77 4.49% 6476 1.00%
21 5197 3.45% 490 3.75% 5032 3.40% 243 4.43% 188 10.97% 27766 4.30%
22 4115 2.73% 208 1.59% 4088 2.76% 103 1.88% 66 3.85% 2901 0.45%
23 4453 2.96% 278 2.13% 4383 2.96% 115 2.10% 94 5.48% 10198 1.58%
24 4193 2.79% 403 3.09% 4118 2.78% 188 3.43% 116 6.77% 16432 2.55%
25 4339 2.88% 703 5.39% 4233 2.86% 241 4.40% 181 10.56% 42038 6.51%
26 5299 3.52% 524 4.01% 5205 3.51% 132 2.41% 96 5.60% 25534 3.96%
27 4219 2.80% 495 3.79% 4162 2.81% 222 4.05% 143 8.34% 32177 4.98%
28 4018 2.67% 354 2.71% 3928 2.65% 523 9.54% 101 5.89% 22086 3.42%
29 5171 3.44% 360 2.76% 5072 3.42% 470 8.57% 112 6.53% 22581 3.50%
30 4021 2.67% 315 2.41% 3904 2.64% 297 5.42% 93 5.43% 15667 2.43%

Hourly usage for June 2023

Hourly Statistics for June 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 201 6056 4.02% 23 712 5.46% 198 5941 4.01% 1228 36848 5.71%
1 208 6250 4.15% 21 636 4.87% 205 6155 4.16% 989 29656 4.59%
2 182 5466 3.63% 22 672 5.15% 178 5345 3.61% 991 29721 4.60%
3 230 6901 4.59% 17 525 4.02% 227 6826 4.61% 916 27482 4.26%
4 208 6254 4.16% 20 627 4.80% 204 6148 4.15% 1103 33092 5.13%
5 216 6495 4.32% 17 532 4.08% 214 6424 4.34% 904 27131 4.20%
6 213 6416 4.26% 18 563 4.31% 210 6302 4.26% 1008 30251 4.69%
7 199 5983 3.98% 18 563 4.31% 195 5862 3.96% 874 26223 4.06%
8 213 6408 4.26% 16 481 3.69% 209 6288 4.25% 844 25332 3.92%
9 219 6585 4.38% 18 556 4.26% 216 6496 4.39% 1191 35728 5.53%
10 237 7111 4.73% 18 548 4.20% 233 7016 4.74% 1060 31796 4.93%
11 260 7815 5.19% 22 662 5.07% 257 7727 5.22% 945 28360 4.39%
12 191 5748 3.82% 20 622 4.77% 186 5609 3.79% 1068 32037 4.96%
13 195 5863 3.90% 17 518 3.97% 192 5772 3.90% 802 24065 3.73%
14 222 6666 4.43% 19 588 4.51% 215 6450 4.36% 755 22657 3.51%
15 181 5436 3.61% 14 447 3.42% 178 5341 3.61% 656 19679 3.05%
16 163 4899 3.26% 11 356 2.73% 161 4838 3.27% 658 19731 3.06%
17 200 6000 3.99% 10 307 2.35% 197 5930 4.00% 716 21473 3.33%
18 181 5457 3.63% 14 440 3.37% 178 5365 3.62% 731 21919 3.40%
19 205 6163 4.10% 16 506 3.88% 202 6067 4.10% 639 19177 2.97%
20 196 5902 3.92% 16 480 3.68% 194 5828 3.94% 701 21032 3.26%
21 243 7317 4.86% 17 533 4.08% 241 7252 4.90% 879 26380 4.09%
22 215 6479 4.31% 18 559 4.28% 213 6397 4.32% 994 29823 4.62%
23 226 6805 4.52% 20 619 4.74% 224 6721 4.54% 866 25995 4.03%

Top 30 of 822 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 139212 92.52% 627140 97.14% WebStats
2 4984 3.31% 12612 1.95% /
3 3272 2.17% 898 0.14% WebLog
4 2221 1.48% 24750 3.83% /stats/
5 1941 1.29% 242737 37.60% /stats/usage_201610.shtml
6 866 0.58% 1810 0.28% Images
7 125 0.08% 471 0.07% /feedback.shtml
8 100 0.07% 494 0.08% /stats/agent_202208.shtml
9 99 0.07% 25 0.00% CGI Scripts
10 82 0.05% 202 0.03% /thanks.shtml
11 63 0.04% 32277 5.00% /stats/ref_201510.shtml
12 59 0.04% 17 0.00% Photo Gallery
13 38 0.03% 0 0.00% /library/
14 29 0.02% 245 0.04% /links.shtml
15 25 0.02% 179 0.03% /about.shtml
16 17 0.01% 1 0.00% /cgi-bin/suidform.cgi
17 16 0.01% 4628 0.72% /stats/ref_202208.shtml
18 15 0.01% 3886 0.60% /stats/ref_201509.shtml
19 15 0.01% 1277 0.20% /stats/ref_201904.shtml
20 15 0.01% 1844 0.29% /stats/usage_202106.shtml
21 14 0.01% 2206 0.34% /stats/site_202105.shtml
22 12 0.01% 16607 2.57% /stats/site_201810.shtml
23 11 0.01% 623 0.10% /stats/ref_202302.shtml
24 10 0.01% 2592 0.40% /stats/ref_201512.shtml
25 10 0.01% 1244 0.19% /stats/usage_202010.shtml
26 9 0.01% 43 0.01% /stats/agent_202211.shtml
27 9 0.01% 47 0.01% /stats/agent_202301.shtml
28 9 0.01% 5343 0.83% /stats/ref_202205.shtml
29 9 0.01% 14377 2.23% /stats/ref_202304.shtml
30 9 0.01% 1116 0.17% /stats/usage_201706.shtml
View All URLs

Top 10 of 822 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 139212 92.52% 627140 97.14% WebStats
2 1941 1.29% 242737 37.60% /stats/usage_201610.shtml
3 63 0.04% 32277 5.00% /stats/ref_201510.shtml
4 2221 1.48% 24750 3.83% /stats/
5 12 0.01% 16607 2.57% /stats/site_201810.shtml
6 9 0.01% 14377 2.23% /stats/ref_202304.shtml
7 4984 3.31% 12612 1.95% /
8 8 0.01% 7308 1.13% /stats/site_201809.shtml
9 7 0.00% 6844 1.06% /stats/ref_201306.shtml
10 7 0.00% 5716 0.89% /stats/ref_201511.shtml

Top 10 of 691 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4984 3.31% 863 25.64% /
2 2221 1.48% 380 11.29% /stats/
3 1941 1.29% 168 4.99% /stats/usage_201610.shtml
4 125 0.08% 105 3.12% /feedback.shtml
5 63 0.04% 52 1.54% /stats/ref_201510.shtml
6 100 0.07% 35 1.04% /stats/agent_202208.shtml
7 29 0.02% 14 0.42% /links.shtml
8 15 0.01% 14 0.42% /stats/ref_201904.shtml
9 15 0.01% 14 0.42% /stats/usage_202106.shtml
10 15 0.01% 13 0.39% /stats/ref_201509.shtml

Top 10 of 701 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4984 3.31% 1341 40.09% /
2 82 0.05% 82 2.45% /thanks.shtml
3 2221 1.48% 70 2.09% /stats/
4 63 0.04% 51 1.52% /stats/ref_201510.shtml
5 125 0.08% 24 0.72% /feedback.shtml
6 17 0.01% 17 0.51% /cgi-bin/suidform.cgi
7 15 0.01% 15 0.45% /stats/usage_202106.shtml
8 15 0.01% 14 0.42% /stats/ref_201509.shtml
9 14 0.01% 13 0.39% /stats/site_202105.shtml
10 29 0.02% 12 0.36% /links.shtml

Top 30 of 1714 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 132530 88.07% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2018 36.81%
2 1367 0.91% 1028 7.88% 9331 1.45% 99 1.81%
3 970 0.64% 728 5.58% 6590 1.02% 68 1.24%
4 838 0.56% 631 4.83% 5745 0.89% 63 1.15%
5 800 0.53% 600 4.60% 5428 0.84% 56 1.02%
6 684 0.45% 684 5.24% 0 0.00% 207 3.78%
7 555 0.37% 397 3.04% 1167 0.18% 5 0.09%
8 410 0.27% 273 2.09% 17433 2.70% 5 0.09%
9 396 0.26% 328 2.51% 37141 5.75% 69 1.26%
10 308 0.20% 227 1.74% 665 0.10% 2 0.04%
11 300 0.20% 200 1.53% 12816 1.99% 6 0.11%
12 300 0.20% 200 1.53% 12816 1.99% 9 0.16%
13 297 0.20% 198 1.52% 12688 1.97% 7 0.13%
14 288 0.19% 192 1.47% 12304 1.91% 8 0.15%
15 285 0.19% 190 1.46% 12175 1.89% 7 0.13%
16 283 0.19% 189 1.45% 12295 1.90% 9 0.16%
17 279 0.19% 186 1.43% 11919 1.85% 11 0.20%
18 273 0.18% 182 1.39% 11663 1.81% 7 0.13%
19 270 0.18% 180 1.38% 11535 1.79% 8 0.15%
20 270 0.18% 180 1.38% 11535 1.79% 8 0.15%
21 270 0.18% 180 1.38% 11535 1.79% 6 0.11%
22 210 0.14% 140 1.07% 8971 1.39% 6 0.11%
23 189 0.13% 126 0.97% 8074 1.25% 6 0.11%
24 185 0.12% 123 0.94% 7943 1.23% 5 0.09%
25 183 0.12% 93 0.71% 8862 1.37% 26 0.47%
26 168 0.11% 112 0.86% 7177 1.11% 5 0.09%
27 162 0.11% 108 0.83% 6921 1.07% 5 0.09%
28 160 0.11% 124 0.95% 550 0.09% 28 0.51%
29 149 0.10% 99 0.76% 6405 0.99% 4 0.07%
30 141 0.09% 94 0.72% 6024 0.93% 8 0.15%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1714 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 396 0.26% 328 2.51% 37141 5.75% 69 1.26%
2 410 0.27% 273 2.09% 17433 2.70% 5 0.09%
3 300 0.20% 200 1.53% 12816 1.99% 6 0.11%
4 300 0.20% 200 1.53% 12816 1.99% 9 0.16%
5 297 0.20% 198 1.52% 12688 1.97% 7 0.13%
6 288 0.19% 192 1.47% 12304 1.91% 8 0.15%
7 283 0.19% 189 1.45% 12295 1.90% 9 0.16%
8 285 0.19% 190 1.46% 12175 1.89% 7 0.13%
9 279 0.19% 186 1.43% 11919 1.85% 11 0.20%
10 273 0.18% 182 1.39% 11663 1.81% 7 0.13%

Top 30 of 611 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 10949 7.28%
2 10678 7.10%
3 10569 7.02%
4 10442 6.94%
5 10312 6.85%
6 10294 6.84%
7 10241 6.81%
8 10207 6.78%
9 9978 6.63%
10 9923 6.59%
11 9735 6.47%
12 9718 6.46%
13 9484 6.30%
14 4749 3.16% - (Direct Request)
15 1367 0.91%
16 970 0.64%
17 838 0.56%
18 800 0.53%
19 495 0.33%
20 476 0.32%
21 342 0.23%
22 333 0.22%
23 290 0.19%
24 277 0.18%
25 277 0.18%
26 272 0.18%
27 257 0.17%
28 239 0.16%
29 223 0.15%
30 209 0.14%
View All Referrers

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% ckritiy kamero v muwskoy bane
2 1 50.00%

Top 15 of 345 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 149069 99.07% Netscape/Mozilla
2 782 0.52% Micro$oft Internet Exploder
3 395 0.26% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
4 47 0.03% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
5 19 0.01% ALittle Client
6 19 0.01% CCBot/2.0 (
7 18 0.01% Googlebot-Image/1.0
8 13 0.01% Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/7.5.32908/191.307; U; en) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16
9 10 0.01% GoogleOther
10 8 0.01% cpp-httplib/0.10.9
11 7 0.00% python-urllib3/1.26.9
12 6 0.00% python-requests/2.28.2
13 5 0.00% Python-urllib/3.7
14 4 0.00% Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers'
15 4 0.00% Go-http-client/1.1
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for June 2023

Top 25 of 25 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 132619 88.13% 71 0.54% 5500 0.85% Germany
2 9023 6.00% 6581 50.42% 237536 36.79% Unresolved/Unknown
3 5898 3.92% 4283 32.81% 313196 48.51% Commercial (com)
4 1415 0.94% 1066 8.17% 13185 2.04% Russian Federation
5 1289 0.86% 881 6.75% 59514 9.22% Network (net)
6 102 0.07% 73 0.56% 13812 2.14% European Union
7 24 0.02% 24 0.18% 1141 0.18% Uzbekistan
8 21 0.01% 5 0.04% 16 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
9 19 0.01% 12 0.09% 36 0.01% India
10 15 0.01% 13 0.10% 286 0.04% Brazil
11 12 0.01% 12 0.09% 570 0.09% Kyrgyzstan
12 7 0.00% 4 0.03% 31 0.00% Belarus
13 6 0.00% 4 0.03% 46 0.01% Indonesia
14 5 0.00% 5 0.04% 14 0.00% China
15 4 0.00% 4 0.03% 668 0.10% United Kingdom
16 4 0.00% 4 0.03% 11 0.00% United States
17 3 0.00% 3 0.02% 4 0.00% Canada
18 2 0.00% 2 0.02% 6 0.00% Guatemala
19 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 3 0.00% Cooperative Association (coop)
20 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 3 0.00% Address Routing (arpa)
21 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 3 0.00% France
22 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Greece
23 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 3 0.00% Netherlands
24 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 3 0.00% Poland
25 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Ukraine

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21